LGW Gatwick Shops Restaurants Terminal

Travel Mistakes I’ve Made: Flying on Separate Tickets with Checked Luggage

Sometimes, I make travel mistakes – dumb mistakes – where I should know better but somehow I just fail at being a fabulous (ha-ha!) traveler. The universe caught me this time with a six hour layover at London Gatwick.  I also thought British Airways would know better (or be better) […]

Winter visit to Reykjavik Iceland wool mittens

Iceland Mitten Memories – A Winter Visit to Reykjavik

I reached into my coat pocket today looking for change and pulled out one of my Icelandic wool mittens, the only souvenir from my trip to Iceland. Putting on the mittens brought back a flood of amazing memories from my quick four day weekend trip to Reykjavik.  When planning my […]

Island Paradise Bug Bites

Avoid My Travel Nightmare in One Step with Ortho

Avoid My Travel Nightmare in One Step with Ortho Disclaimer: This post is sponsored by Ortho Home Defense but all opinions (and sadly the bug bite nightmare) are uniquely mine. A few months ago, I woke up in a fancy island hotel covered in bug bites.  The hotel had a […]

The Art of the Brick Tree Huggers

Travel Safety Tips to Consider on Your Next Trip Local or Abroad

One excuse I’ve heard over the years for not traveling is “it isn’t safe to go to x, y or z”.  I was reminded this weekend that staying at home isn’t safe either – bad things can happen anywhere.  While sitting in one of four lanes of traffic waiting to […]

Love Statue Philly

A New Tradition – The Memorial Day Trip to Europe

When my father passed suddenly a few years ago, his service was the day after Memorial Day.  What was a lovely holiday to start the summer, a holiday to remember those who served in the U.S. Armed forces, was now a holiday full of sadness, deep sadness that I wasn’t […]

British Airways plane flying over London

Take My Bags Please! Heathrow Luggage Delivery Service with AirPortr

It felt weird leaving London Heathrow without my luggage.  I was on the Heathrow Express surrounded by many people with bags all trying to fit (trains were on a modified schedule that day) while I sat in my seat with a handbag and small backpack.  Thankfully my luggage wasn’t lost […]

Airport Tag Travel Quote Tote Bag

10 Solo Travel Tips & Destination Ideas to Plan Your Vacation

Not everyone will have a baptism by fire to solo travel like I did.  I was abandoned in Paris by my (former) friend at Valentine’s Day and chose to explore the city on my own until my flight home.  This was in the time before the internet and smart phones. […]