Hard to believe that a year ago, I hit “publish” on my first post to start this blog and that this is my 144th post. Â I spent months struggling with “how to” videos, articles and wordpress technical stuff trying to get it perfect before going live and then I realized that nothing is perfect – not me, not you and that this blog, like my life, was going to be a work in progress. My intent was to share my travels to Easter Island (South America) and African Safari in Botswana/South Africa to help others since I hadn’t been able to find much during my planning of the solo trips . Â Little did I know how much life was going to change….

Change is not something I love or even like much -I am definitely a creature of habit (am sure Wikipedia has my photo next to the definition), but this past year has definitely pushed my boundaries and basically hit me over the head with change saying “What are you going to do now?” and keeps insisting that “Change is Good”. Â In terms of the blog, change has been good as it has opened the door on the world – challenging me at every step. Â I’ve pushed forward to join the various communities of travelers at conferences, online chats and offline for drinks. Â I’ve met people around the world who, like me, love (need) to travel as much as they need to breathe. Â I learned to ask for help when I need it (especially with plugins, pinterest, SEO and analytics) and accepted that someone will always have more readers, more likes, better numbers and that’s ok. For me, I’m enjoying connecting with people helping them with their queries the best I can.

The people I have met this year at Frequent Traveler University, TBEX and World Domination Summit (WDS) have been invaluable, many feeling like long lost friends, all with a passion to travel and live their best lives – all making their mark on the world – no one is sitting idling waiting for life to happen – they are doing what they want now, no regrets.

Doing it now, no regret, hit home when my family life imploded. In this case, change was not good – it sucked! Â My father, who was never sick, had what we thought was a sore neck but fast forward six weeks through doctors visits, tests and surgery to his funeral. Â Nothing prepared me for this change or the other family medical issues I had to deal with this year. Â But this blog and travel helped me navigate this change the best I could. I had something positive to focus on so a few days after the funeral, I traveled to Toronto to my first TBEX (Travel Blogging conference) to learn about the travel blogging world and whether I fit in or not. A bonus was being able to do something my dad would have loved (here).

Travel love is getting lost in a city – I feel invisible and invincible at the same time. Wandering around, exploring, discovering the new is such a joy. Â In 2013, I would visit New York City, Atlantic City (casino stays count), Toronto, Portland, Ore., Seattle, Boston, Dublin, London, Singapore, Melbourne, Sydney, Hobart (Tasmania), Paris and even a few overnights in my hometown of Philadelphia. Â I didn’t sit on a beach with a fruity drink relaxing in the sun (although I do need to try this sometime).
To sum up the first year of blogging – Â I became more introspective than ever, focused more on enjoying the moment, looked at everything as if it was new, took more photos than ever, shot more video and started a YouTube channel, banned the bucket list, said “yes” to new experiences/people/places, tried to fear less and ignored the costs along the way (I don’t advocate this last one, thankfully my travel savings account has a bit of a cushion to be somewhat reckless here and there).

As for the chocolate? Â Well, my “no calories on vacation” motto was on overload as evidenced by my Pinterest dessert board, the numbers on the scale and the record breaking visits to the gym. Â I think I can easily fall into the “eating my feelings” a bit more this year than most but it has been extremely tasty and indulgent along the way. Â I sampled truffles, chocolate bars, cakes and lots of cookies around the world all in the name of “blog research”. Â You’d think I was a food/dessert blogger with all of the treats I’ve (over) indulged in (sadly, I sense a resolution in the making).

When I pressed “publish” a year ago on this “work in progress” I had no idea that that a roller coaster was in store with all of the ups, downs and scary parts. There would be lots of tears, lots of laughter, travel meltdowns, lots of rain, way too much chocolate and constant reminders of what’s important in life. Â I’m grateful for old friends who helped me navigate the darkness, for new friends in the happy space that is the travel community and for the readers who have followed my stories along the way. Â So here’s to a New Year full of health, happiness, safe travels and cookies!

11 thoughts on “My first year of Travel Blogging – a year of chocolate, cities and challenges”
144th post? We feel a little bit late to the party as this is the first of your posts we’ve read. Would like to congratulate you on your first year of blogging, regardless. And, have no fear, it won’t be the last one we read either.
Thank you very much -better late than not at all! Happy New Year
Lovely blog, Suzanne! Thanks for connecting with us on Twitter! Keep up the great work and travel safe! Oh… and all the best in the New Year! 🙂
I’ve only just discovered your blog through Twitter but this was the exact right post to read for starters. Seems like you’ve had an amazing year, even if there have been some downs, too. Congratulations on your first year of travel blogging, keep it up! I also have my one year approaching soon, a few months to go.
Sofia – thanks and congratulations on your blog anniversary as well – I was able to translate your pages and really enjoyed your writings.
Well done for sticking to it for a year! I only started blogging 6 weeks ago and it is even more work than I realised (I am really enjoying it though). Best wishes for the next year 🙂
Thanks! and congrats for starting your blog – that was the hardest part the starting as I tried to get it all right and delayed for months – look forward to reading your posts
Congratulations on your first year of blogging!! A very exciting milestone and a lovely post to accompany…
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