If you follow me on Twitter, you have probably realized that I have an unhealthy obsession with cookies (and dessert). Â Now, I can’t eat cookies all the time because apparently they aren’t part of the recommended food pyramid chart (I think they should reconsider this, cookies make people happy and happy people need less anti-depressants in my opinion, as if it were that simple) and my food journal doesn’t quite allow for the indulgent calories no matter how much cardio I do. Â When I travel, however, all bets are off – my food journal and I are divorced and cookies are a part of my routine and dessert part of my experience.
Well, I’ve been having a good time (a bit too good) Â lately on my travels and Pinterest exposed me! Â I just started Pinterest and am slowly creating boards tied to my travel posts. Â Since I can’t post all of my photos or write about every fantastic dessert, I figured I’d add a board or two. Â I figured following food photos can be fun without calories or guilt – or so I thought! Well, more than thirty (yes, 30!) pins later from the past few months alone (there have been more than six trips so far), I quickly realized where the extra pounds had come from and planned to reconcile with my food journal asap (you only hurt the ones you love).
Thanks to Pinterest, I can now admit I have a problem, a secret I tried to hide but can no longer do so…..I’m addicted to taking food photos! Â The dessert is just the excuse to take the photo. Â For years, I scoffed at friends who backlit their plates, positioned the food and edited the table to capture the best food photo to instagram, tweet, facebook and now pin. Â I didn’t realize that I’ve slowly become this person taking photos of all my desserts.
So if I can get rid of the photo evidence (um, admit my photo addiction), I can go back to the ignorant bliss of savoring each dessert and cheating on my food journal. Ah, relationships, even social media ones, are quite tricky aren’t they? Â I’m addicted to this, cheating on that and there is evidence! Â Let’s get real though, I have a trip upcoming involving Paris and really, that would just be cruel and unusual torture to not eat (and take photos) of every sinful pain au chocolat, macaron, croissant and french patisserie I find. It’s about the memories of course…. and instagram….pinterest….facebook updates…

So follow my addiction(s) on Pinterest because I’m having too much fun tasting it all in the name of blog research!

Dessert might not be my only food addiction during my travels…look for the Pancake Series……

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