FriFotos – If you can’t stand the heat….go get a tasty treat!

The famous quote “If you can’t stand the heat, get out of the kitchen” immediately came to mind with this week’s FriFotos theme of “Heat”.  I’m taking a bit of liberty with the quote’s meaning to have some fun sharing my love of desserts around the world. With three trips […]

Louvre in Paris

Paris for Kids at Louvre Treasure Hunt with THATLou Family Fun in Paris

As a solo traveler, time allowed to wander in a museum is priceless.  I can stare at a painting, read the information cards, listen to the audio guide or just sit in a room and take it all in.  The Louvre is one such museum where despite multiple visits, I can’t say […]

Queenstown New Zealand

Travel Bravery for Adrenaline Adventures in New Zealand (FriFotos)

It’s FriFotos and the word is “Adrenaline”. Playing word association, say “adrenaline” and I’ll reply “adventure”.  Say “adventure” and I’ll reply “New Zealand” with a smile on my face. Planning a trip to New Zealand generally ticks off many bucket list items that folks have.  For me, it was chock […]

Arc de Triomphe

Paris: Visit the Arc de Triomphe it’s just 100 steps or so

After my niece ran out of her shopping money in Paris, her enthusiasm for touring the city was beginning to wane.  It was a bright sunny June day in the city and I was loving walking around taking it all in.  While I can walk for hours and hours, my […]

Laduree Paris

Laduree Paris, Indulge your Inner Dessert Princess on the Champs Elysees

My initial intent was to show my niece, Aubrey, the magic of  dessert in all it’s tempting forms at  Laduree on the Champs Elysses in Paris.  My timing wasn’t quite so good as she hit “famished” on her internal food feeding barometer (she was eating 5xs a day!) right in […]

Eiffel Tower view from 2nd floor

Paris: Thank You for Protesting During Our Eiffel Tower Visit

As we waited for the guide to arrive, we heard the noise of a shouting crowd, saw the smoke being thrown down the street and flags waving. And just like in the movies, the next frame had the police sirens and minivans arrive a block away from the commotion but […]

FriFotos: My favorite bountiful things – flowers, chocolate, cupcakes, wine

When I think of this week’s FriFotos theme of “bountiful”, fruits and vegetables come to mind.  Given that my fruit and vegetable consumption is barely scrapping the bottom minimum of the food pyramid daily requirements hence no photos, I figure I’d find other interpretations of “bountiful” for me – just […]

Macarons in Paris

Paris Macarons and Chocolate, a pastry kitchen tour at Gerard Mulot

If you haven’t guessed by now in reading my blog or following my instagram, I have an insatiable sweet tooth.  Visiting Paris with my eleven year old niece, Aubrey, allowed me to indulge a bit more than normal (or at least I felt that I had a good excuse for […]