When I was planning my epic safari trip to Africa, I discovered a new wing of the local medical center, the travel medicine office. I had never heard of Travel Medicine and yet it played a crucial part in my African adventure to Botswana. I needed a yellow fever vaccination to enter the country, one of the few actual “travel vaccinations”. I didn’t give it a second thought, if I wanted to visit Botswana I needed the vaccination, simple as that.
I hate needles, really hate needles, so I wasn’t keen to go get the one shot (or what I thought was one shot). Of course, I would need more than the yellow fever shot as the doctor realized I “wasn’t up to date” with recommended vaccinations (ugh, more needles and a few tears). I would also have to get Hepatitis A & B (which required a second shot a few weeks later). When was my last tetanus? I think I stepped on a rusty nail a long time ago? Tetanus was added. At that point, I was “all in” so I could be safe on my travels. My U.S. health insurance, at the time, was good enough in that it had international coverage, but not evacuation or infected with malaria good enough. So I followed the recommendations of the U.S. CDC travel vaccines and country entrance requirements for each country I would visit (Botswana, Zimbabwe, Zambia (drive to airport) and South Africa) and added a prescription for malaria medicine. (Note: malaria meds aren’t widely available at the local pharmacy so factor in delivery times and locations).
Covid 19 Vaccine
So now that there are a few Covid-19 vaccines pending approval in the U.S. and UK, there have been discussions about the vaccine (whether you should or shouldn’t get it), efficacy, clinical trial data and whether or not mandating vaccines at work, on travel and with vendors will be required, legal and ethical. Get ready for a wrath of discussions, legal issues, heated arguments and talking points/soundbites depending on which side you align with. Make no mistake, while my yellow fever vaccine was a straightforward travel decision “If I want to enter Botswana, I need this shot” not that many people feel the same way about the covid 19 vaccine right now (I’m not talking about anti-vaxxers, I’m talking about folks who question the rush to market, safety and the unknowns).

I’ve already started to see the heat rise in Facebook travel groups and on social media. Qantas airlines recently commented that they will likely require proof that you have received the covid vaccine in order to fly with them. The Qantas backlash was quick on social media calling to “cancel Qantas”. But if not Qantas, likely Australia will have a requirement to enter the country? Vendor mandate or Government mandate? With the lengths that Australia has gone to limiting visitors, including citizens, to the country, I doubt the border will open and let visitors in without a vaccine. Aussies are living like normal in their country bubble with low cases of covid. I’m not sure how they would test, trace and track visitors as it’s an expensive and complicated process to set up. No one can afford 14 day hotel quarantines so that isn’t long term solution. So how to police this? Should it be policed and required to travel?
So don’t “cancel” Qantas for being one of the first travel vendors to express an opinion of what they envision will allow them to fly international again, rehire employees and restart vendor purchases. Qantas is at least thinking ahead as Australia has had strict quarantine rules and entry requirements. I expect Australia and New Zealand to be early adopters to require vaccination proof and not rely on testing only.
Covid Testing – Travel Corridors – Quarantines

Testing is a start, it’s not 100%, nothing is. We need to start somewhere otherwise this whack a mole life of sporadic open and closed life isn’t going to work much longer. Everyone is tired, mental health is strained and folks are hurting without jobs, especially those in the travel & hospitality sector around the world.
U.S. Travel: U.S. domestic travel does not require a covid test (Hawaii covid testing is the exception), however, a few states have voluntary quarantines rules.
UK Travel: The UK currently has a traveler 14 day quarantine and will lower that on December 15th to 5 days quarantine in UK after a negative covid test administered by a list of preferred vendors at your cost. They are also working with private vendors to trial rapid testing at the airport. Heathrow has more information for UK Covid Testing at LHR
U.S.- Rome Travel Corridor: Testing of an travel corridor between the U.S. and Rome via Delta (Atlanta) and Alitalia (JFK and EWR) is expected this month with testing on both sides.
International Caribbean Travel: Some international destinations do require covid testing prior to arrival, on arrival and a few days after arrival. The volume of people seems to be low and somewhat manageable right now. Best to check the immigration information at your destination, double check the airline requirements and triple check your cancellation insurance as everyday rules are changing.

Travel Vaccination Passport

There are over 190 countries that need to decide their way forward. It’s not like yellow fever where only a handful of countries need to worry about this. My yellow fever card is paper based but that won’t work for the worldwide population.
So who is responsible here? It’s a hot potato no matter who has it. Testing or Vaccination?
- Should the airlines (private businesses) require testing and/or vaccination proof before letting you board so they minimize their risk to passengers, their staff and their business?
- Should the government do the testing upon arrival in their country and then a few days later?
- Is testing sufficient in stages or will covid 19 vaccination be required?
- Can travelers afford the costs with each test required (U.S. health insurance won’t pay)
- What will a standard vaccination confirmation look like? Can it be counterfeited?
Travel Vaccine Passport – Can the medical facilities track the vaccine dosage (probably with bar code) and will governments have access to your medical files (not in the U.S., not sure elsewhere)? The less invasive way seems to be given the bar code from the vaccine and have you enter that information on your own voluntarily into your visa application, ESTA application or passport file. The audit can be done and fraud could be low as logistics and block chain can track shipments, distribution and pinpoint label and facility. I’m just guessing here but it sounds like an easy way forward to me. Folks are already uploading covid19 test results as travel documents.
- Get vaccinated and get a bar code
- Voluntarily enter the bar code into your passport file, airline profile, visa applications and any other required system to allow you to travel.
- Governments will likely have a database of covid vaccine distribution so that information can be cross referenced by authorized entities to verify.
The Legal Stuff – Data & Health Privacy Laws – Ethics
So the legal stuff yet to come – this is the trickier part that I’ll just mention. What if your employer requires it? Each U.S. state (and some cities) have their own employment laws in addition to U.S. Dept of Labor laws. Currently, there are hospitals and medical facilities that require you get an annual flu shot, unless you meet an exemption. I’ve also seen some employers hire only non-smokers. So there is precedent for some companies, industries, etc. But already, employment lawyers are getting ready to counsel companies on what they can and can’t require of employees. If you are a business traveler, will it be a requirement of the job that you get a covid-19 vaccination? What if you refuse? What if you are a bartender working with the public? Job requirement? At your cost or your employers cost?
Covid Vaccination for Travel Meeting & Events Recovery
Let’s extend this further into the travel industry for meetings and events. Those large conferences with thousands of people. Who is responsible if there is an outbreak? The organizer, venue, event sponsors, hotels, restaurants, transportation company or the company for sending you? That’s the risk, that’s the unknown $$$ amount that folks might sue for. Insurance claims, medical claims and much more when someone needs to be held responsible.
Right now, few venues or vendors are offering or require testing but will that change with available vaccines? All states/local governments currently have restrictions on large gatherings. Can you imagine the local auto show that has 10,000 people a day? Can folks just walk in off the street to attend? I’m sure that public events won’t be able to police vaccination status and testing is not option given volumes but business conferences might?
Covid 19 Vaccine Travel Effect
It’s very thorny issue. Travel touches so much of our lives – leisure travel, business travel, meeting/event travel, your child’s traveling sports team schedule, weddings, reunions and so much more. There’s risk involved of course, more so now than in the past. There are a plethora of data and health privacy issues around the world – GDPR in the EU, HIPAA in the U.S. plus many others. So offering results and vaccination status will need to be voluntary with respect to travel.
Make no mistake, we are not “going back to normal” ever again especially in travel. There will be new ways to travel, new laws and rules to follow and standard personal safety decisions to make for you and your family.
When it comes to any vaccine needed for travel, the only decision is “do I want to travel there or not?”
But covid-19 is not yellow fever. It’s not a “go to x countries and run the risk unless vaccinated”. Covid is an everyday, everywhere risk and it’s up to you to decide if you will get vaccinated, not for travel but for the best for you and your family. That’s the simple Yes/No question in my mind.

And if you do want to go to Botswana…..that yellow fever vaccination and card is so worth it. It is an unforgettable experience…..the first time an elephant walked past me on safari….just wow!