Jonathan gave me my key to the tent, already a step up from my first tent in the Okavango Delta. I was escorted down the boardwalk steps passing the pool area and fire pit. When the steps ended we walked through the dirt/sand and I was told that I was not to walk alone at night – someone would retrieve me for dinner. My guide also informed me that it was not uncommon for animals to be walking along the path and through the grounds around my tent – I could see evidence on the ground (now that I learned to track based on poop in the Okavango Delta) that buffalo had been here.When we got closer to the tent 8, my tent, I stopped and laughed out loud.

The guide asked me if I was ok – I said yes, I think this is bigger than my house and definitely will be different from my first night in a tent (here is a reminder if you didn’t read that post)

This is when you realize those nights of PB&J at home to save money were paying off as this tent would be the most luxurious you had ever stayed in. A bit of a fantasy tent that you salivate over in the travel magazines – the ones that look like you could only stay in once you hit the lottery. Here I was outside the tent, laughing at the absurdity of me staying at such a plush place – not that I didn’t think I deserve to experience luxury (I definitely do, I could get used to this life really quickly) but that my friends felt bad that I was staying in tents camping on my trip – how was this city girl going to survive?  it was funny to me as the guide proceeded to unlock the tent door and I stepped into luxury in Zimbabwe….
Stay tuned for Part 2….the photos inside/outside of Tent 8!
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